Living a purpose driven Life
As a Christian, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, we all need to have a purpose, vision for our life. Because without a purpose, vision for our life, this life means nothing. It's like living a life that is meaningless. When Jesus came to this world, his purpose was to show us the Father, that our Father, God is not angry with us instead he is full of Love and mercy, slow to get angry and always loving us. Jesus came to the earth to destroy the power of sin and darkness so that we can have live and be reconciled with the Father. That was his mission and he fulfilled it.
So what is the purpose of your life?
As a follower of Jesus, and because we have been saved by God's grace and we know Jesus as our Lord and saviour, it our duty and responsibility to tell others about Jesus. because if we don't tell them who will tell them. As for me I want to tell everyone about Jesus, about how much he loves me and what he has done for me. I will not be ashamed to tell others about Jesus. I will not be ashamed of the gospel.
In Matthew 10:7, the greatest commission for every follower of Jesus. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he commissioned his disciple to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
He said, "Go and preach, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is near!’8Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, heal those who suffer from dreaded skin diseases, and drive out demons. You have received without paying, so give without being paid".
So this commission that was given to the disciple by Jesus does not applies to the 12 disciple that Jesus had, this applies to all of us, everyone who believes in Jesus as their saviour. Our mission, our Co-Mission means we are not in this by ourselves, but Jesus is with us in this. Our mission is to go into all the world and preach the gospel, love people like Jesus loves them and if anyone is sick, heal them in the name of Jesus, if anyone is dead, raise them up from dead.
Sometime people says that no I can't raise people from dead, and that's true. You can't raise anyone from dead, because you don't have the power to raise them but because Jesus is with you, living inside of you, he will raise the dead. You don't have to do it. You just gotta believe and pray for people.
Our mission is to bring heaven down to earth. Which means in Heaven there is no sickness, no pain, no worries, so if we see anyone sick, in pain, pray for them and they will be healed in Jesus name.
It's about living a life like Jesus lived. When Jesus was on this earth, all he did was love them, heal people, set people free from demons, break their chains and set them free and give people hope and a future. and we have followers of Jesus, we need to copy Jesus and do things like he did.
Here's a sermon by Bill Johnson about Kingdom Lifestyle, Senior Pastor at Bethel Church, Redding, CA
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