Grace? How Grace is available to us?

Grace, what is it?

Grace may be defined as the unmerited or undeserving favor of God to those who are under condemnation. 

Undeserving favor of God, means because we are sinners, we deserved to die, because the penalty of sin is death, and yes we deserved to die but Jesus came to this world and he paid the price for us, and instead of us dying, we took our place and died for us, so that we all of us who believes in Jesus can have eternal life. 

You don't have to do anything, just need to believe in Jesus that is the son of God and that he died for the forgiveness of our sin and that all my sins have been washed away. and we are righteous, we are holy. 

If you believe in Jesus, you have been saved, you will not die, even though you die, you will live eternally. 

Ephesians 2:8 says this,  
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. 

The above verse says that it's not by what we did, it's non of our good things we've done through which we have been saved by, it is by grace which is a gift of God that we have been saved. 

No one can boast of his salvation, no one can earn it, but it has been given by God freely to everyone who believes. 

So freely we have received salvation through Jesus, so let's give it out freely and tell other people about Jesus so that even they can be saved as well. 

Before the night Jesus was betrayed and handed over to the Jewish authorities, he had his final supper with his disciple, which is called "The Last Supper", Jesus broke the bread saying This is my body which is given out for you and and gave them wine which is his blood, poured out for all of us for the forgiveness of our sins. And also told his disciple to remember him of what He did on the cross whenever we take the Holy Communion

Here's a small video about God's Grace. 

Also here's a website which talks about God's grace.

If you're looking for churches in Hamilton, checkout Grace Evangelical Church.


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