Living a purpose driven Life
As a Christian, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, we all need to have a purpose, vision for our life. Because without a purpose, vision for our life, this life means nothing. It's like living a life that is meaningless. When Jesus came to this world, his purpose was to show us the Father, that our Father, God is not angry with us instead he is full of Love and mercy, slow to get angry and always loving us. Jesus came to the earth to destroy the power of sin and darkness so that we can have live and be reconciled with the Father. That was his mission and he fulfilled it. So what is the purpose of your life? As a follower of Jesus, and because we have been saved by God's grace and we know Jesus as our Lord and saviour, it our duty and responsibility to tell others about Jesus. because if we don't tell them who will tell them. As for me I want to tell everyone about Jesus, about how much he loves me and what he has done for me. I will not be ashamed to tell others about Jes...